Here's how to remove the border from your header:
- Download a copy of your of your template.
- Click on Edit HTML and put a check mark in the box to expand the template.
- Whether you are using Internet Explorer or Foxfire, put one finger on your control button and while you are holding it down, hit your "f" key. This will open a box either on the top or bottom of your screen that you will use to search your html in your template.
- Next, in the find box (the box you just created in #3), put #header-wrapper. When you find it, about 3 lines down, you will find the word "border". There will be a "1px". Change the "1" to a "0" (zero).
- Next, in the find box, put #header (by itself, not header-wrapper). When you find it, about 2 lines down, you will find the word "border" and next to it there will be a "1px" again. Change the "1" to a "0" (zero).
Be sure to click on "SAVE" or all the changes you just did will be lost.
Now that wasn't so bad was it?
CONGRATS! If you need help, just send me an email: